Dung Nguyen Manh

Hello World! How are you?


:wave: I’m Dung (Dzung). I graduated with honors degree in Computer Science from University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University (UET).

Since 2022, I’ve been working as a researcher and engineer at FPT Software AI Center’s AI Residency program, where I received guidance from Dr. Nghi Bui from Singapore Management University.

In my current role as an AI researcher, I’m all about embedding Machine Learning, Deep Learning into Software systems to solve problems like code search, code summarization, code generation, etc. The ultimate goal of my research is to revolutionize the way software is developed, improving its effectiveness, dependability, and accessibility. I aim to develop AI-powered tools that can seamlessly understand, produce, and optimize source code, minimizing human effort and error.

Therefore, I’m also working on AI-powered solutions for real-world software problems, like suggeting comments for source code and extracting code structures for AI models. Lately, with the wave of Large Language Models, I spent my work on integrating LLMs into coding-assist Chatbots and Unit-test generator for developer.

I’m best reached via email. I’m always up for dicussions, collaboration, or opportunities to pursue higher education abroad.


Oct 8, 2023 :sparkles: I happy to share that our work on The Vault has been accepted to EMNLP Findings 2023. See more details HERE.
Oct 5, 2022 I got my Bachelor degree in Computer Science from University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National Unviersity (CGPA: 3.61).
Jul 10, 2022 I was offered to become full-time AI Resident at FPTSoftware AI Center :sparkles: :smile:

selected publications

  1. EMNLP’23
    The Vault: A Comprehensive Multilingual Dataset for Advancing Code Understanding and Generation
    Dung Nguyen Manh, Nam Le Hai, Anh T. V. Dau, Anh Minh Nguyen, Khanh Nghiem, Jin Guo, and Nghi D. Q. Bui
  2. preview-viwoz.png
    ViWOZ: A Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems Dataset For Low-resource Language
    Phi Nguyen Van, Tung Cao Hoang, Dung Nguyen Manh, Quan Nguyen Minh, and Long Tran Quoc